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Gaming PC Under 50K🖥️

Manish Barman
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Gaming PC Under 50K: A Simple Guide

Want a gaming PC under ₹50,000? Good news—you don’t need a huge budget to enjoy smooth gaming! With the right parts, you can build a powerful PC that runs most games well. Let’s break it down in simple terms.

🔧 Best Parts for a Budget Gaming PC

🖥️ 1. Processor (CPU) – AMD Ryzen 5 5500 (₹10,000)

This is the brain of your PC. The Ryzen 5 5500 is fast, has 6 cores and 12 threads, and handles gaming and everyday tasks with ease.

🎮 2. Graphics Card (GPU) – Nvidia GTX 1650 (₹14,000)

The graphics card controls how good your games look and how smoothly they run. The GTX 1650 is great for 1080p gaming. If you can spend a little more, the RX 6600 is even better.

🏎️ 3. RAM – 16GB DDR4 (₹4,500)

RAM helps games and apps run smoothly. 16GB is perfect for gaming and multitasking.

💾 4. Storage – 512GB NVMe SSD (₹3,500)

An SSD makes everything load faster—your PC, your games, everything! 512GB is a good start, but you can always add more later.

🔌 5. Motherboard – MSI A320M (₹5,000)

This connects all your parts. The MSI A320M is budget-friendly and works well with Ryzen processors.

⚡ 6. Power Supply (PSU) – 450W Bronze (₹3,000)

A 450W power supply is enough for this build. Look for an 80+ Bronze rating to make sure it’s reliable.

🏠 7. Cabinet (Case) – Mid-Tower Case (₹3,000)

This is the outer shell of your PC. Pick a case with good airflow to keep things cool. Also, make sure it has enough space for future upgrades.

⚙️ How Well Will This PC Run Games?

  • Casual & Esports Games (CS:GO, Valorant, Apex Legends) – Over 100 FPS (smooth gameplay)
  • Big AAA Games (GTA V, Cyberpunk 2077, Assassin’s Creed) – 40-60 FPS on Medium settings (playable and enjoyable)
  • Content Creation – Can handle basic video editing and 1080p streaming

🔄 Easy Future Upgrades

This setup is great, but you can make it even better later. Here’s how:

  • Upgrade Graphics Card – A better GPU, like an RTX 3060 or RX 6600 XT, will boost performance.
  • Add More RAM – Moving to 32GB RAM helps with multitasking and streaming.
  • Increase Storage – Add a 1TB HDD or SSD if you need more space for games and files.
  • Better Cooling – Extra cooling fans or a better CPU cooler will help keep your PC from overheating.

🛒 Where to Buy These Parts?

You can get these parts online or from a local store. Here are some good places to look:

  • Amazon – Good deals, easy returns
  • Flipkart – Regular discounts
  • Local PC Shops – Sometimes cheaper than online

🏆 Final Thoughts

Building a gaming PC under ₹50,000 is possible! This setup will let you enjoy smooth gaming without spending too much. If you ever want better performance, just upgrade a few parts over time.

With the right choices, you’ll have a solid gaming PC that won’t break the bank. Happy gaming! 🎮🔥

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